EXPRESSION OF INTEREST OPPORTUNITY - Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence Pilot - Service Integrators Initiative

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Primary Health Tasmania is inviting capable organisations to submit an expression of interest (EOI) to deliver the new Service Integrator initiative under the Supporting the primary care sector response to family, domestic and sexual violence pilot.

Service Integrators will be established to act as a conduit between primary care and specialist family, domestic and sexual services across Tasmania.

This is an important opportunity to contribute to the development of a comprehensive and effective approach to improve system integration and health system navigation for victim-survivors of family domestic and sexual violence.

About the EOI process

The EOI process is part of a two-stage tender process. In stage one we aim to:

  • understand the capabilities of the market.
  • gather insights on addressing family domestic violence, sexual violence, and child sexual abuse
  • finalise the service design of the Service Integrators initiative
  • shortlist applicants for stage two.

In stage two, shortlisted applicants will be required to respond to a further evaluation criterion, prepare a presentation, complete a budget and meet with the evaluation panel (where you may be required to respond to further questions).

An application must be submitted for stage one to be eligible for stage two.

Want to know more?

Read the 'Key documents' (Program Guidelines and Application Form).

Attend the non-mandatory online information session or view the briefing session report and presentation slides once they have been published online.

Post a question in the Q&A section below.

Email any commercially sensitive questions to (some questions and answers may be de-identified or generalised and posted in the Q&A section below).

Important: Online and email questions are monitored by Primary Health Tasmania’s Procurement Team Monday to Friday 9.00am-5.00pm (excluding public holidays).

How to apply

Applications must be in writing and include:

  • completed Application Form
  • organisation chart
  • insurance certificates of currency
  • audited financial statements.

Applications must be submitted via the Application upload section below.

Primary Health Tasmania is inviting capable organisations to submit an expression of interest (EOI) to deliver the new Service Integrator initiative under the Supporting the primary care sector response to family, domestic and sexual violence pilot.

Service Integrators will be established to act as a conduit between primary care and specialist family, domestic and sexual services across Tasmania.

This is an important opportunity to contribute to the development of a comprehensive and effective approach to improve system integration and health system navigation for victim-survivors of family domestic and sexual violence.

About the EOI process

The EOI process is part of a two-stage tender process. In stage one we aim to:

  • understand the capabilities of the market.
  • gather insights on addressing family domestic violence, sexual violence, and child sexual abuse
  • finalise the service design of the Service Integrators initiative
  • shortlist applicants for stage two.

In stage two, shortlisted applicants will be required to respond to a further evaluation criterion, prepare a presentation, complete a budget and meet with the evaluation panel (where you may be required to respond to further questions).

An application must be submitted for stage one to be eligible for stage two.

Want to know more?

Read the 'Key documents' (Program Guidelines and Application Form).

Attend the non-mandatory online information session or view the briefing session report and presentation slides once they have been published online.

Post a question in the Q&A section below.

Email any commercially sensitive questions to (some questions and answers may be de-identified or generalised and posted in the Q&A section below).

Important: Online and email questions are monitored by Primary Health Tasmania’s Procurement Team Monday to Friday 9.00am-5.00pm (excluding public holidays).

How to apply

Applications must be in writing and include:

  • completed Application Form
  • organisation chart
  • insurance certificates of currency
  • audited financial statements.

Applications must be submitted via the Application upload section below.


You are welcome to post a question in the 'Ask a question' box below and we will provide an answer as soon as we can (all questions and answers will be shared on this page).

Email any commercially sensitive questions to (some questions and answers may be de-identified or generalised and posted below).

Important: Online and email questions are monitored by Primary Health Tasmania’s Procurement Team Monday to Friday 9.00am-5.00pm (excluding public holidays).

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  • Share Is the funding for the FDSV pilot offered as an even amount consistently over the time of the contract, or is there increased funding provided in the initial phases to support implementation? And if so, what would be the additional funding level be on outset? on Facebook Share Is the funding for the FDSV pilot offered as an even amount consistently over the time of the contract, or is there increased funding provided in the initial phases to support implementation? And if so, what would be the additional funding level be on outset? on Twitter Share Is the funding for the FDSV pilot offered as an even amount consistently over the time of the contract, or is there increased funding provided in the initial phases to support implementation? And if so, what would be the additional funding level be on outset? on Linkedin Email Is the funding for the FDSV pilot offered as an even amount consistently over the time of the contract, or is there increased funding provided in the initial phases to support implementation? And if so, what would be the additional funding level be on outset? link

    Is the funding for the FDSV pilot offered as an even amount consistently over the time of the contract, or is there increased funding provided in the initial phases to support implementation? And if so, what would be the additional funding level be on outset?

    2 days ago

    The funding division is offered as an even amount over the time of the contract and is split as follows:


    Noting that the budget will be refined and confirmed in stage 2 when the budget template is provided.

  • Share To assist with the development of resourcing and staffing across the regions, are you able to advise what the number of primary health providers are in each region of the state? on Facebook Share To assist with the development of resourcing and staffing across the regions, are you able to advise what the number of primary health providers are in each region of the state? on Twitter Share To assist with the development of resourcing and staffing across the regions, are you able to advise what the number of primary health providers are in each region of the state? on Linkedin Email To assist with the development of resourcing and staffing across the regions, are you able to advise what the number of primary health providers are in each region of the state? link

    To assist with the development of resourcing and staffing across the regions, are you able to advise what the number of primary health providers are in each region of the state?

    2 days ago

    The approximate number of general practices across Tasmanian regions are:

    • north west - 27
    • north - 40
    • south - 74

  • Share Applicant composition: If a number of different organisations submit EOIs, will Primary Health Tasmania identify if they could work well together or collaborate, would this be an outcome of this process? on Facebook Share Applicant composition: If a number of different organisations submit EOIs, will Primary Health Tasmania identify if they could work well together or collaborate, would this be an outcome of this process? on Twitter Share Applicant composition: If a number of different organisations submit EOIs, will Primary Health Tasmania identify if they could work well together or collaborate, would this be an outcome of this process? on Linkedin Email Applicant composition: If a number of different organisations submit EOIs, will Primary Health Tasmania identify if they could work well together or collaborate, would this be an outcome of this process? link

    Applicant composition: If a number of different organisations submit EOIs, will Primary Health Tasmania identify if they could work well together or collaborate, would this be an outcome of this process?

    5 days ago

    During this process, Primary Health Tasmania will rely on organisations to independently determine what, if any, collaboration is required. 

    The application form incorporates the ability to outline the collaboration even if not yet formalised. Refer to 6.3 in the EOI program guidelines regarding applicant structure and section 4 in the application form to explain composition of the collaboration.  

    Primary Health Tasmania expects to directly contract with a lead entity if there is a collaborative application.

  • Share Funding/contract term: Being funded for only 18 months is a challenge, will there be ongoing/ extended program delivery post June 2026. on Facebook Share Funding/contract term: Being funded for only 18 months is a challenge, will there be ongoing/ extended program delivery post June 2026. on Twitter Share Funding/contract term: Being funded for only 18 months is a challenge, will there be ongoing/ extended program delivery post June 2026. on Linkedin Email Funding/contract term: Being funded for only 18 months is a challenge, will there be ongoing/ extended program delivery post June 2026. link

    Funding/contract term: Being funded for only 18 months is a challenge, will there be ongoing/ extended program delivery post June 2026.

    5 days ago

    While FDSV is a focus for the federal government, this is only a pilot up to 2026. We cannot comment on ongoing funding beyond this period.

  • Share Scope: Incentivising training for GPs was noted on the pilot, has this progressed. on Facebook Share Scope: Incentivising training for GPs was noted on the pilot, has this progressed. on Twitter Share Scope: Incentivising training for GPs was noted on the pilot, has this progressed. on Linkedin Email Scope: Incentivising training for GPs was noted on the pilot, has this progressed. link

    Scope: Incentivising training for GPs was noted on the pilot, has this progressed.

    5 days ago

    The project team will look at scoping this out when building the education component but is not within the scope of this tender.

  • Share Scope: Given you note that development of training is out-of-scope, I see that in the guidelines it says the service can also assist in implementing training programs? on Facebook Share Scope: Given you note that development of training is out-of-scope, I see that in the guidelines it says the service can also assist in implementing training programs? on Twitter Share Scope: Given you note that development of training is out-of-scope, I see that in the guidelines it says the service can also assist in implementing training programs? on Linkedin Email Scope: Given you note that development of training is out-of-scope, I see that in the guidelines it says the service can also assist in implementing training programs? link

    Scope: Given you note that development of training is out-of-scope, I see that in the guidelines it says the service can also assist in implementing training programs?

    5 days ago

    This pilot will include education development and delivery though a commissioned provider. The Service Integrator will be required to support the implementation of this training through promotion and participation within their region but will not be required to formally deliver the education program.

  • Share Budget: This service may incur significant travel costs to engage across the general practices and Aboriginal Medical Services. Are travel costs considered an overhead cost? on Facebook Share Budget: This service may incur significant travel costs to engage across the general practices and Aboriginal Medical Services. Are travel costs considered an overhead cost? on Twitter Share Budget: This service may incur significant travel costs to engage across the general practices and Aboriginal Medical Services. Are travel costs considered an overhead cost? on Linkedin Email Budget: This service may incur significant travel costs to engage across the general practices and Aboriginal Medical Services. Are travel costs considered an overhead cost? link

    Budget: This service may incur significant travel costs to engage across the general practices and Aboriginal Medical Services. Are travel costs considered an overhead cost?

    5 days ago

    Travel costs related to the Service Integrators are considered direct service delivery costs – they do not form part of the overhead costs.  

  • Share Budget: Does Primary Health Tasmania have any compulsory limits for the administrative/ overhead costs and is there a definition of what is included in overheads? on Facebook Share Budget: Does Primary Health Tasmania have any compulsory limits for the administrative/ overhead costs and is there a definition of what is included in overheads? on Twitter Share Budget: Does Primary Health Tasmania have any compulsory limits for the administrative/ overhead costs and is there a definition of what is included in overheads? on Linkedin Email Budget: Does Primary Health Tasmania have any compulsory limits for the administrative/ overhead costs and is there a definition of what is included in overheads? link

    Budget: Does Primary Health Tasmania have any compulsory limits for the administrative/ overhead costs and is there a definition of what is included in overheads?

    5 days ago

    Primary Health Tasmania strive to achieve value for money in relation to direct service costs. Typically, when reviewing the budget, we focus on direct service costs and review the service model and they should align. Overhead costs should not be reflected in direct service delivery. Further guidance about budget preparation will become part of the stage 2 tender process.

  • Share Budget: Does the wage allocation for the EOI list the proportional/pro rata costs for this service? on Facebook Share Budget: Does the wage allocation for the EOI list the proportional/pro rata costs for this service? on Twitter Share Budget: Does the wage allocation for the EOI list the proportional/pro rata costs for this service? on Linkedin Email Budget: Does the wage allocation for the EOI list the proportional/pro rata costs for this service? link

    Budget: Does the wage allocation for the EOI list the proportional/pro rata costs for this service?

    5 days ago

    Yes. We would like to understand the indicative workforce as a part of the EOI and their indicative wages.

  • Share Funding: The budget in the tender documents indicates $1.75 million. Is the budget for the full 18-month period as indicated in the tender docs? on Facebook Share Funding: The budget in the tender documents indicates $1.75 million. Is the budget for the full 18-month period as indicated in the tender docs? on Twitter Share Funding: The budget in the tender documents indicates $1.75 million. Is the budget for the full 18-month period as indicated in the tender docs? on Linkedin Email Funding: The budget in the tender documents indicates $1.75 million. Is the budget for the full 18-month period as indicated in the tender docs? link

    Funding: The budget in the tender documents indicates $1.75 million. Is the budget for the full 18-month period as indicated in the tender docs?

    5 days ago

    Yes. Noting that this will be refined and confirmed in stage 2 when the budget template is provided.

Page last updated: 13 Sep 2024, 03:50 PM